Actionable Solutions for Critical Times
If you have lived in Austin for the past 5, 10, 15 years, you have watched the affordability of Austin soar out of reach for so many of us. Corporations discovered that they could move to Austin for our values without having to pay for them. The values we the people who have lived here have grown and cultivated.
The biggest bullies exploited us, starting with Lee Leffingwell, former Mayor of Austin, and the Circuit of Americas - an enterprise that was given tax breaks based upon conditions they did not meet but were never held accountable for. Read on for policies that are Actionable, not just talk.
Support AISD.
Desegregate Austin Independent School District. Currently students from the Mueller development located on the East side of I-35, are bussed to McCallum, which is on the west side, overcrowded, and more then 4 mies away. There are two closer, under enrolled High Schools on the east side. This is based on house values and racial bias, not community, inclusion or equitable living.
Increase access to career training needed to have tech opportunities.
Diversify "The Classics" in School curriculums; include more than the Anglo perspective on American History, World literature, American Literature, anything American
Create a city owned health care system, modeled after San Francisco's.
August 1, 2022, Travis County approved an Audit of the Central Health District financial contribution to Dell Medical School
This is an opportunity to re-envision an equitable health care system for the uninsured in Austin.
Make mass transporation more attractive than private vehicle use.
Use public transporation to connect the East side and West side of Austin
Immediately increase Airport shuttles. The 20 is a commuter line, not a shuttle. The Airport has been experiencing unprecedented traffic. Providing at least 3 shuttle lines that went directly to the airport would eliminate congestion at the airport immediately.
Support Project Connect
The Blue Line and the Orange Line will be finished in 2029.
Climate change is the most vital issue facing all life on the planet today. It is a world issue that needs to be addressed at all levels. While the State of Texas ignores it, the City of Austin will address it. We must push to achieve Austin’s goal of Zero Waste and Zero Emissions by 2040. I propose we start now:
Make mass-transit more functional, practical and appealing than private vehicles (see public transit)
Mandate that all businesses within the city limits have on-site recycling and compost and a contract to pick it up. Enforce it!
Make Austin an idle-free city. An hour of automobile idling burns approximately one-fifth of a gallon of gas and releases nearly 4 pounds of CO2 into the air. Park in the shade, open the windows, or go into the air-conditioned building you’re waiting in front of. Take your doggy in too, or leave her at home. Or pay a fine. That goes for police vehicles as well.
Commit resources to educating and re-educating the population about single stream recycling and composting, the maintenance of waste and where it goes.
Continue funding the incentive programs to upgrade residential and commercial appliances.
Install rooftop solar in all new construction.
Re-imagine Business Development Model
Create a COG; a Corporate Owners Group fee, similar to an HOA, Homeowners Association, which would assess and collect fees from Corporations operating within the city limits. The fees would be used to maintain the roads and utilities, water and electricity; resources that are strained when corporations move here. Fees collected would also contribute to education to offset the State "Robin Hood" Tax redistribution, water, electric and internet.
Employee Rights. Require fair wages and benefits for employees working on the buildings and for companies in Austin. Similar to the agreement the COA made with Apple Computer and the WORKERS DEFENSE FUND. Shout-out to Chito Vela!
Affordable housing for ALL income levels. Currently to qualify for affordable housing in the Mueller you have to make no more than 80% of the Median Family Income; $79,450 for a family of 3. Those making between $79,451 and $111,000 can't afford a decent home. Those earning the median income of $95K to $105K might afford to buy a dilapidated shack if they're willing to room with rats and possums. Affordability needs to be redefined so there needs to be affordable housing available for all income levels.
Limit the ownership of residential real properties. Investors buy up our housing to turn into AirBnBs or flip for a quick buck, driving prices up and availability down for all. Why should we allow it to continue? This is a successful practice in some countries, e.g. Denmark.
Limit Investor profits from real properties. The Mueller Affordable Home program referenced above limits affordable homeowners to 2% profit on the sale of the home. The purpose in to keep the homes affordable. So why not the same for investors who do not even live in the homes? This would not apply to homeowners.
"Rent-to Own" Homes: More and more, people who have been renting an apartment, a trailer space, or a house for 5, 10, 20 or even more years have their homes sold out from under them and are left with nothing. The longer they heve lived there, the more devastating this can be. I propose a city-wide program where a portion of one's rent goes toward principle, to be realized after 5 or more years, so they have money to put toward the purchase of the home, or money to help them resettle.